Friday, August 29, 2008

Taking One Day At A Time

For all of you guys out there who have asked me to blog....sorry it took so long.

The last couple of weeks have been very busy. I went back to work on August 18 and things have been on the fast track since. Let me first say I was sooo excited to go back to work - as crazy as it sounds I couldn't wait. I love my job, my customers, and the people I work with. As for Daniel, I love him more than life its self and for the grace of everyone in my house I needed to go back to work. I am just NOT stay at home mom material! God bless those of you who are. My first day back was a Monday, I had a lot of planning and preparing to do so it was a slow, nice day. That all changed on Tuesday - it was sooooo busy. I usually see anywhere between 8 to 10 clients a day, that day I visited 4. So the rest of the week I had to play catch up. Still my customers last week were so sweet, they all said how much they missed me and I felt like I was having a baby shower everyday. The weekend was here before I knew it and I had to start preparing for my first night away from Daniel.

Saturday I spent the whole day preparing to go out of town. We all know how type A I am - yes, everything was checked and double checked. I had typed instructions for David to follow (more on that later) and I went through are normal day five times in my head to make sure I had not forgotten anything. After all of that, I just held Daniel all day.

Call me crazy - really please do - but I had convinced myself that the plane I was getting on was going to crash and I would never see my son again. Ok, give me some credit, its my first trip out of town, and I have never been a mom before. So all night I prayed, and prayed - now I need to pray a prayer of forgiveness for wasting God's time. To all the people in a third world country, I am so sorry that you didn't get something you needed because God was too busy having to tell me to calm down! Honestly, now that I am back - in my heart if I really felt like the plane was going to crash, HELLO Stacey you would not have gotten on it to begin with!!!

Back to Sunday, David and I went to church and then meet Dana at the airport in Nashville. For those of you who don't know Dana is my girlfriend in Memphis, yes I work with her but she is like my best friend. I can't go a whole day without talking to her. I always say she is one of my best friends and we just happen to work together. So any who, we meet Dana at the airport, she had to drive to Nashville because it was cheaper - we flew Southwest. Once we arrived in Kansas City (that's right arrived, the plane didn't crash) we had to go straight to our meeting. We had a great meeting, we were launching a new product line and it so great! After the meeting Dana, Summer, and myself went back to the room to get ready for our regional meeting. Normal companies have meetings in suits and ties - our group we have meetings in P.J.'s - and if your Summer you find ones with feet in them in the kids department.

Please let me explain before I go on - that the region of Kentucky and Tennessee in my company are a very close group. There is our manager Randell, he has a partner Charles who is the sweetest man I think I have ever met. Randell lives in Louisville and is by far the best manager in the company, just incase this gets back to Gino - your the owner not a manager and you know your the greatest boss ever! Then there Katie, she is out of Louisville too and looks like I million bucks - the girl could wear a pizza on her head and still look amazing. Summer is out of Lexington - she just had a baby in Feb. baby Briley will call her BB for short. Amber who just got married is out of Evansville, why she wanted to work at SSG I will never know - she has her own children's line of clothes. Mary is out of Little Rock, and has taken a town that did nothing and made it a gold mine. Then theirs me and Dana - the two girls from Tennessee!

Ok, so clear your mind and just picture this (remember I said we were close) there we were in a hotel suite having our regional meeting in P.J. - well like I said earlier Summer had a baby 6 months ago and I had Daniel 2 months ago - we are both breastfeeding and we had to pump. So as we are having our regional meeting Summer and I are pumping on the couch while eating pizza - it was priceless! No body cared, that our breast pumps were in sink together and there were two girls with there breast out. Just for the record we did have our covers on! I love that I have such close friends that I work with.

So as far as my meeting it went great and well, I guess I made it home fine as I am ok to blog. Everyone wants to know how David did alone with Daniel. Sunday night when David got home from church he feed Daniel and then Daniel decided that he missed his mommy and he had to let daddy know about it for two hours. David said he cried non stop for two hours. Daniel just doesn't do that - he missed his mommy! David finally got him to stop crying and put him to bed about 10. So the next morning at about 8, I get a call from David - Daniel never woke up at 4:30 like he normally does. I told David that Daniel knew David didn't want to get up so he decided to give him a break. Plus, his mommy wasn't there anyway! Much to my surprise - Daniel stuck with it and now sleeps from 10 to 6! I am so proud of him. As for David and my instructions - I should have know it would be a waste of time, David did what David wanted to do. Honestly, that's ok, the list was more to make me feel better and if David needed it, it was there. I do have to tell on him for one little thing (remember I am sooo type A) as I was unpacking Daniel bag from school I noticed that David had never changed his socks. Daniel went to school with a polo on and his dress socks from church the day prior. I guess David looked at them and said to him self, "they look fine to me, it's not like his feet are smelly!"

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